Friday, October 12, 2012

Golden Triangle

Part of the bush in front of the office. Thought it would
achieve the Golden Triangle.
Manual Settings
Shutter Speed 1/90 sec.
Aperture 6.7
Focal Length 18 mm

Part of where the bushes are cut off from the plank and the
concrete. Hoped it achieved the Golden Triangle.
Manual Settings
Shutter Speed 1/90 sec.
Aperture 19
Focal Length 55 mm

I tried to be creative with what I use to eat at nutrition break.
Is it not creative? Besides it being a bad photo considering
it was a pretty cloudy day.
Manual Settings
Shutter Speed 1/350 sec.
Shutter speed 5.6
Focal Length 55 mm
I don't have a photo of trying to emphasize the Golden Triangle on a person. It is more difficult than I thought it would be.

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