Friday, October 5, 2012

Atget Rhythm Series

The fence behind the deli. I hope that it emphasized the lines
vertically and diagonally to achieve the Atget Rhythm Series.
Shutter Speed 1/250
Aperture 5.6
ISO 400
Focal Length 55 mm

Rubber cushion pad in front of the entrance of the gym. I
hoped that it emphasized the rhythm of its shape.
Shutter Speed 1/4
Aperture 5.6
ISO 400
Focal Length 55 mm

The black rugs that was in the gym contained the rhythm of  squares
so I believe this photo created the 'Atget Rhythm' style.
Shutter Speed 1/4 sec.
Aperture 5.6
ISO 400
Focal Length 55 mm

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